Meorient International Exhibition Co Ltd.

Meorient International Exhibition Co Ltd. is engaged in international exhibition services. It is one of the few-specialized companies in exhibition service in china, mainly engaged in international exhibitions, conferences, B2B publishing, e-commerce and exhibitor Training. Meorient is also the UFI member and holds the vice chairman position of china convention & exhibition Society.


Warszawska Izba Gospodarcza

Since 1989, the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce has been building a strong economic self-government in the region in order to represent the interests of the entrepreneurs associated in the Chamber. It supports its members in their efforts to develop, increase their competitiveness and strengthen their position on the local and international market. Membership in the Chamber gives the opportunity to establish effective business contacts, increase sales markets and raise the competences of the staff, which directly strengthens the market position of entrepreneurs associated in the Chamber.


Stowarzyszenie Polskich Mediów

The Polish Media Association is a young organization – formal registration took place at the beginning of 2002 – but it works with panache and dynamics. We enjoy a steadily growing number of members, with satisfaction we note a keen interest in our actions of regional and local self-government authorities. It seems that we are on the right track to strengthening the identity of local communities, but above all to the effective integration of the journalists working in various media throughout Poland. Numerous sessions and training workshops organized at various places in the country and abroad serve this purpose.


TTG Wiadomości Gospodarcze

TTG Economic News is a magazine of economic self-government, addressed to entrepreneurs and organizations, focused on nationwide and international cooperation. The magazine is a response to the market demand for reliable economic news, without a political context.